Saturday, October 3, 2009

Khaly Castle Speaks October 3 at 3:32pm

"teeth and bones" To Facebook Topic
What is it about CFS and/or toxic mold exposure that ruins our mouths? Time after time I have seen posts by people who formerly did not have mouth issues but who end up with crumbling teeth, loss of bone density, gum disease, abscesses and eventual difficulty with plates and other prostheses.

It's been my own experience as well. 5 or 6 years ago, I had never had so much as a cavity. My teeth were one of the few things I had that I was really proud of, happy to smile and show them off. Jump ahead 5 years, and I have had teeth crumble, had several root canals, and even had two teeth that had root canals explode in my mouth. I've lost teeth, had to get a plate, had burn marks all over the roof of my mouth from trying to adapt to the prosthesis, and so on.

Interestingly, by vigilantly avoiding exposure to toxic mold, the mouth problems have abated. Sure, the damage is done, but I can wear the pros without a problem. I first made this connection when I had to go back and forth from mold hell to mold avoidance a couple of times when first starting this. Each and every time, as I got clear of toxins, my mouth would explode in abscesses like all the toxins were trying to work their way out via my mouth. But just as quickly as the abscesses appeared, they would recede, and my mouth would be comfortable and manageable.

Someone recently asked what tests there are that connect mold toxicity to the oral issues. There isn't one. This is one of the areas we need some conscientious researcher to, er, research.

1 comment:

  1. Exposure to chemicals and toxic can take a toll in your health. And if you or a member of your family is quite sensitive and has poor immune system, then you are likely to suffer various health risks.

    Manhattan Mold removal
