Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Joe Salowitz's Mold Story

> From: Joe Salowitz
> Subject: You Have My Permission To Use MY Story
> To: "pete helfrich"
> Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009,


--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Joe Salowitz wrote:

> From: Joe Salowitz
> Subject: My Mold Story
> To: "pete helfrich"
> Cc: "Cheryl Wisecup"
> Date: Monday, December 28, 2009, 11:33 PM
> Hi Pete,
> I have attached, to this email, my "Mold
> Memoirs". K.C. made me submit my story, before he would
> approve my participation, on Sickbuildings, three years ago.
> I have never updated it, because it is a record of how I
> tried to save my father's life. He died, 2 years and 1
> month after I wrote my mold memoirs, as the direct result of
> 3 years of mold exposure, from his car. He was 92 years old,
> when he passed away, on Oct. 11, 2008.
> When I had my original, massive mold exposure, on a
> new job, I did not own a computer, and I had no idea what
> was making me sick, until I saw the actual mold, in the
> unoccupied parts of building that my office was in. The
> mold almost killed me. But, since I was only exposed
> for 6 weeks, I made a rapid recovery, without any treatment,
> other than my regular asthma medicines.
> My longest mold exposure, from my father's car,
> probably lasted less than 4 months, (only about 5 hours a
> week), and I also made a rapid recovery, without any
> special treatments. It was about that time, that I
> discovered "Sickbuildings", and learned that
> special mold treatment therapies even existed.
> I have personally been very lucky. But, my
> daily warnings, for two years straight, to my father,
> failed to save HIS life. That is why I try to help others.
> It says in the bible: "he who saves a
> single life; it is as if he has saved the
> world."
> Your friend,
> Joe
> ........................................................................
> You Wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> I have been using activated charcoal & benonite clay
> the same Shoe protocol way & it did the same efect.
> It must be the toxins making a pissed off exit.
> What was your mold experience?
> How did you live through it & was it high levels?
> Regards,
> PJ
> Hi Pete,
> Thanks for asking my permission to post my story.
> Anything I write, can be posted, anywhere, by anyone.
> I caught a "lucky break", in discovering
> that it was mold, that was killing me. I had recently
> started a great, new job, where I was the only American-Born
> person. Because of this, I was the "indispensable"
> employee, explaining what the customers were saying, to a
> crew of Russians.
> It was a new, "start-up", limousine company.
> After working there, as a salesman, and getting sicker, each
> day, for 4 or 5 weeks (I thought it was the asthma that
> I've had since I was 9), my boss asked me to organize a
> corporate event, for a large client, involving the all-day
> use of a dozen, or more, chauffeured limos.
> He asked me to go with the limos, for the day, to make
> sure everything went O.K. I looked at a map, and saw that he
> was asking me to go from Manhattan, to a
> "millionaires" section of the north shore of Long
> Island, wait there all day, and return the passengers to
> Manhattan.
> From my previous work experience, as a chauffeur, I
> knew that meant spending the entire day, IN A FOREST,
> with a HIGH pollen count, in the middle of the summer.
> As a life-long asthmatic, and since I could hardly breathe,
> already, I figured that the pollen exposure would
> "finish me off", and I would not get back alive.
> But, it was fun being "treated like a God, and paid
> like one", so I didn't say
> "no".
> When we arrived in the forrest, ON Long Island Sound,
> I waited to see what dying would feel like. While I was waiting to
> die, I began to notice that I WAS FEELING GREAT !
> Since I had all day, to walk along the beach, and think
> about why I wasn't DEAD, I realized that whatever was
> killing me, MUST be either in my home, or my
> JOB. 
> The NEXT day, working in my office, I returned to
> feeling deathly ill. I told my boss that I wanted to see the
> remaining 90% of the building, that was still unoccupied.
> Since I was "God", he got the keys from the
> landlord, and we both went into the rest of the building,
> for a tour. To this day, I still have
> "nightmares", over what I saw. The entire
> building, which was in an abandoned shipyard, had been
> rained into, through still-broken windows, FOR 50 YEARS
> !  The interior of the building looked like a Hollywood
> movie set, for "The Invasion of the Body
> Snatchers". It was completely overgrown by slimy
> blue-black toxic mold.
> I immediately quit the best job of my lifetime, and
> tried to explain, to my boss, that HIS much milder symptoms
> were being caused by the mold. But, since I was probably
> incoherent, from the massive mold exposure, I'm sure
> that he was just sad over the fact that his best employee
> had gone "insane".
> So, in the final analysis, my life was saved by the
> "LUCK" of
> having been an asthmatic all of my life. My
> "forrest" experience showed that I was NOT
> DYING from asthma.
> Your misfortune, Pete, was having been
> "HEALTHY" all of your life, so you had no
> "frame of reference" to help you figure out what
> was killing you..
> Your Friend,
> Joe

> ...............................................................
> You Wrote: 
> Thanks Joe,
> I wish I learned as fast as you did.... I had no idea what
> was behind the shower.
> One year 16 hour per day...
> I hope we can all save a life.
> .......................................................................... 
> Jeeze Joe.. It reminds me of when I ripped the
> stinking shower apart & got nuked.
> Sorry to hear your dad died... Its frustrating to try to
> help someone & they are too stubborn to take heed.
> Can I post your story on FB or my blog??
> I want people to know the other symptoms..

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